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Nintendo Switch
Role playing
September 14, 2023

COSMIC FANTASY COLLECTION Switch NSP Free Download rom The brothers Wright, Wilbur and Orville, are honored and remembered for their contribution to the world of aviation. Had they never successfully taken flight in 1903 in Kitty Hawk, NC, the path from land to sky and from sky to space may have twisted another way, perhaps into a completely different direction. Yet the Wright Flyer, their now legendary craft that allowed four miles of air travel to happen, would be considered not only ill fitting, but incredibly dangerous to use by today’s standards. Best Switch Games Just because it was groundbreaking at the time doesn’t mean it can operate by today’s measurements in any degree. With that in mind, I invite you to look at the JRPGs of the PC Engine era, and the curious artifact that is Cosmic Fantasy Collection. For many players, you’ll have little to know idea about these games from the beginning of the 1990s. Given that Cosmic Fantasy II is the only one to get localized outside of Japan, it’s completely understandable The PC Engine (Turbografx 16 to us North Americans) didn’t exactly sell gangbusters, and 1992 saw Japan go nuts for Dragon Quest V, most of the world celebrating A Link to the Past, and me, utterly convinced that Final Fantasy: Mystic Quest was superior to both. Plus, the second installment of a franchise where nearly no one would have played the first is a bold and maddening choice by Working Designs (who published the Lunar series) and Nippon Telnet (best known for the Valis games). GOODBYE WORLD Switch NSP One oddity I noticed right off the bat relates to the first game in the collection; in the Japanese version of this very collection and the original JP version of Adventure Boy Yu, a theme song by Tomomi Nishimura is used for both the collection menu and the title screen. But in this EN version, we get the excellent CF2 Japanese intro theme as the menu song (which is still intact in CF2 proper, vocals and all), but CF1’s title screen is completely mute; so much so That when using the debug menu to bring up the in-game sound test, trying to play the intro theme there won’t even work, as the song seems to be fully stripped out of the game. Likely JASRAC related licensing shenanigans at play here, but I do find it a shame as CF1’s intro theme is one of the best parts about that game. But how do the games present themselves besides that caveat? Well, you have most of the usual compilation features, including the return of the screen size options that worked fine in the Valis sets, scanned GONNER 2 Switch NSP translated manuals, and a cutscene/sound test viewer to play around with. Unfortunately, I did notice the PSG recordings used for Cosmic Fantasy 1‘s Sound Mode were pretty inaccurate and were missing sound channels, which is strange considering how the game itself sounds fine and has accurate audio when you’re actually playing CF1. CF2 uses all CD music and barely has any songs to speak of, and all of those sound fine both in the sound mode and the game itself Speaking of the music, Cosmic Fantasy 1 honestly had a way better score than I was expecting for such a simple game. Most of the BGM is PSG based, but it sounds really catchy and well made, with plenty of memorable tunes sticking in my head throughout the adventure. With the intro vocal song gone, there’s barely any CD music in CF1 save for some ending songs, but those sounded pretty solid as well. Compared to other early PC Engine RPGS, the game’s presentation is great as a whole Cosmic Fantasy 2 on the other hand, takes some steps forward, and some back with its presentation. For starters, US fans may be a bit annoyed at how the translation in this game is completely different from the 90’s Working Designs localization from back in the day, but for me personally I vastly preferred the new one. All the translated text is overlaid over the Japanese script, and the white font looks far better here than the blue one the US version got stuck with, leading to better readability in general. GoNNER Switch NSP

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